Clientes são seres sensíveis. O gráfico foi feito para uma empresas de telecomunicações que descobriu que se em uma chamada para o SAC o cliente for atendido em tempo menor que X (o valor não foi divulgado pois se trata de confidencialidade) o cliente estará extremamente satisfeito. Entre X e Y o cliente ainda apresenta um grau de satisfação superior a 50%. Porém esse grau de satisfação despenca se o cliente não for atendido antes de Y.
Abaixo em inglês segue o texto original da McKinsey:
Improving customer service in a downturn
Consumer-facing businesses whose revenues are now under pressure may find themselves having to compromise on customer service—for example, by reducing their hours of operation or the number of service workers they employ. Not surprisingly, McKinsey research shows that customer satisfaction scores are falling in some industries. Yet most executives think that reducing service levels is a mistake. How can a business maintain them while reining in costs? Our review of the companies with the best customer service records in ten industries shows the wisdom of challenging long-held but seldom-reviewed beliefs about service and testing them analytically. Very often, they turn out to be wrong.
Consider the experience of one wireless-telecom service provider that carefully measured the average time-to-answer in its call centers and identified the “breakpoints” to determine its customers’ bottom-line sensitivity to service-level changes. Answering the phone in less than a certain number of seconds (X on the exhibit) produced delight; keeping customers on hold for more than Y seconds left them strongly dissatisfied. By relaxing service levels to a point just before this “patience threshold”—but making sure that it wasn’t crossed—the company saved money on staff without hurting satisfaction levels significantly.
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