Se você é usuário desse fantástico serviço que é o MobileMe, você deve saber que algumas contas andaram apresentando problemas. Graças a Deus não foi a minha...Mas, o Steve Jobs pediu que um blog fosse mantido com atualizações sobre como andam as coisas.
MobileMe Status
Friday, July 25, 2008
Steve Jobs has asked me to write a posting every other day or so to let everyone know what’s happening with MobileMe, and I’m working directly with the MobileMe group to ensure that we keep you really up to date. In the 14 days since we launched, it’s been a rocky road and we know the pain some people have been suffering. Be assured people here are working 24-7 to improve matters, and we’re going to favor getting you new info hot off the presses even if we have to post corrections or further updates later.
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